An exciting season for womenswear explores the real need for practical and long-lasting staples, while tapping into the desire for clothing that’s also expressive and unique. New design is required to tick a lot of boxes and this report offers different solutions. It looks at designs which can be adapted to multiple sizes, styles that are adaptable and can be worn in different ways, it also looks at using existing product or waste material. REALFEEL celebrates authenticity through familiar styles that connect to home and a sense of belonging. ECONOME looks to simplify design through expanded shapes with adaptable features and MULTISIM pushes the boundaries of creativity with multifaceted design ideas.
The report covers casualwear – including denim, soft separates, jerseywear, dresses and outerwear with detailed sketches showing ideas for surface pattern and material types.
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REALFEEL – grounded and authentic styles with touches of nostalgia
ECONOME – a less-is-more aesthetic with added adaptability
MULTISIM – breaking the rules to push the boundaries of creativity