Tap into the energy of a new season. The fashion issue translates the concepts for spring/summer 2022 into inspirational ideas for women, men and youth sectors. The report creates stories for each theme and covers a wide range of products and accessories including direction for new silhouettes, style lines, proportions, materials and surface pattern, It’s an overview of trends, but more importantly it finds the actionable line between commercial and edgy designs. Get more than inspiration – get involved in the real changes happening in fashion.

RISE makes space for creativity and looks at the positive side of fashion. At its core are colours that impact the mood, comfortable styles that retain a soft structure and products that are expressive and uplifting
COEXIST moves towards an environment where our relationship with nature flourishes and our collaborative connections push creativity to new heights. Coexist looks at positive ways to work together
VISION takes an informed approach to design, aiming for contemporary long-lasting products in durable materials. The trend looks towards more inventive and creative solutions guided by technology